Matching Leotard and 90's- Revisited
Painted up in sunny Newcastle at HOULTS YARD as part of UNIT 44’s WHITE WALLS project. Gif-itti magic on a grand scale: TO SEE A LARGER VERSION CLICK HERE!!! “The beauty of INSA’s GIF-ITI is that it only truly lives when viewed online, where these days most street art ends up being viewed, and it […]
Towards the end of last year RedBull asked me to design an installation for the London Head Quarters. ‘Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places’, Black, White, Mirror, Frosted Vinyl on glass screens. Photographed by: Alice Peperell INSA 2010
Occasionally i like to show a bit of behind the scenes and making of action. So here i thought i would show you the steps involved in making my recent sculpture shown in ‘MORE’ at Fifty24SF. First up i needed a willing model: Here is Vicki braving the first layer of freezing cold Alginate being […]
So about 6 years ago i painted this camper van. The owner just contacted me to tell me they are selling it. its on EBAY HERE
Thank you to everyone who got excited by the SWAPSHOP and wrote in with an offer. I got over 300 offers in the end!! Way more than i expected and goes to show i’m not the only one who likes the idea of taking money out of the equation. So choosing my top offers to […]
The extremely rare INSA x NIKE OFFICIAL BOOTLEG SWOOSH TEE can not be brought!! It has been highly sought after & gifted around industry insiders- and here is YOUR only chance to get one! Here is the deal: We have 20 of these to giveaway. We will swap one shirt per person. We will consider […]
Spotted in REMs new music video. See the kid from the film ‘KICK ASS’ dance around like a dick in front of one of my walls. You can see the whole VIDEO HERE. Thanks to Ryan, Bernard, Stevie and StreetSu for pointing this out to me.
This is a new hard back from the produces of Juxtapoz; “Juxtapoz Erotica features titillating explorations of the subject matter by two dozen of the most exciting artists working today.” below is an extract from the intro to my 10 page feature; “I’ve never liked the word ‘erotica’ or ‘erotic art’. It gives me major […]
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